Friday, August 1, 2008


One of the best things about Etsy would have to be the friends you meet! Arthur Simo is a talented teenage artist with autism. I featured Arthur's work in one of my first treasuries and when he woke in the morning to check his site, all of his listings had sold. At first, he thought there was a problem with Etsy, which happily there wasn't! : ) I was fortunate because Arthur listed the piece above a little later and it is still my favorite. Arthur's Etsy sales help pay for his therapy. Arthur and his mom, Adriana, have worked very hard to increase autism awareness through Arthur's beautiful treasuries. Through their inspiration, I designed an autism fairy to reflect Arthur's artwork and donate $5 from each sale to, an organization Arthur is a part of. Thank you Arthur and Adriana for your inspiration! Please visit It will make your day and Arthur's, too!

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